Bug Out: How to Get Bugs out of Your Home Fast (And Safely!)

Each American home has about 32 to 211 different species of anthropods. That’s insects, spiders, centipedes, and other creepy crawlies calling your home their own.

Are you starting to notice ants, bed bugs, and other creatures within your home? With the right tips, you can learn how to get rid of bed bugs and other anthropods safely. The wrong techniques, however, can do more harm than good.

Keep reading to learn how to get rid of them fast and safely. With these tips, you can recognize and get rid of these pests before they spread from one room to the next. Get rid of those unwanted house guests with these easy tips.

Know the Signs

Before you can get those crawly critters out of your home, you need to know what to look for, first. Here are a few signs to look out for when searching for bugs throughout your home.

Bed Bugs

Females can lay over 200 eggs! Before they get the chance, you’ll want to detect those bed bugs as soon as possible.

First, take a look at your skin. Bed bugs can leave angry red bites and bumps on your skin. They crawl out at night while you’re asleep to snack on your blood.

Bed bugs don’t exclusively come out at night, though. They can also start biting while you’re driving or traveling. In other cases, they’ll latch on and wait to take a bite later.

If you have bed bug nights, you’ll notice they’re in a distinct pattern. Bed bugs usually bite in a straight line.

Otherwise, take a look at your bedsheets. Do you notice any small, reddish stains? If you notice blood against your sheets, start looking for eggs or bugs.

You might also have bed bugs if you notice small flakes on your bed or clothing. These little flakes are bed bug casings. They’ll usually appear small, oval, and brownish in color.

If you find casings, it usually means the bed bugs are growing and shedding their skin. In other words, you have adult bed bugs in your home.

Look for small eggs or empty eggshells, too. These eggs will appear oblong and sem-transparent. They might even resemble a grain of rice.

If you fail to find any eggs, take a deep breath. Are you noticing a musty odor within your home? That smell could indicate the bugs are releasing pheromones.

What do bed bugs look like? They’re usually one to five millimeters long and one to three millimeters wide. Bed bugs are usually reddish-brown in color.

If you see a bed bug, it’s time to take action!


Termites can cause billions of dollars in property damage annually. Many property owners spend over two billion dollars repairing these damages.

It’s important to suss out termites as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’re giving them time to eat through your home.

First, look for rotting wood or damages both in and outside your home. Give the wood a good tap. If it sounds hollow, it’s likely the termites snacked on it.

You might also find rotting, decaying wood around your home, including rotting tree stumps. Get rid of any rotting wood around your home as soon as possible.

If you have termites, you’ll notice translucent wings in or around your home, too. Check your window sills, patio, and decks for these wings.

Otherwise, look for frass. These wood-colored droppings could indicate an infestation.


If you have cockroaches, you might notice small egg casts. The shells will appear dark red, black, or brown.

Look for small droppings that look like pepper grains, too. Otherwise, an oily odor might signify a cockroach infestation.

Pest Prevention

Once you’ve determined what type of bugs are attacking your home, it’s time to get rid of them!

1. Block Them Out

First, you’ll want to block all entryways to keep unwanted pests from getting in.

Take a walk around your home. Look for any holes in the window screens or gaps in your doors. You’ll also want to check the framework, too. If there’s a gap, replace the stripping or get caulking.

2. Look for Standing Water

Bugs like mosquitoes and termites love water. If you want to keep the bugs out, make sure there aren’t any puddles around your home.

Check your water spouts and air conditioning unit. Make sure your drains point away from your home. Otherwise, make sure your basement doesn’t have any leaks.

Make sure to check for standing water after a major storm while you’re at it.

3. Landscaping

Remember, termites love finding tree stumps to snack on. In order to keep them out of your home, make sure your landscaping doesn’t offer an invitation.

Trim your bushes and trees regularly. Clear away weeks, rake away any debris, and try to keep the area around your home clean.

Do you keep firewood around your home? Make sure to keep the wood off the ground. Instead, store the wood away from your home on a rack to keep termites away.

4. Clean Up

Bugs love to snack on crumbs. In order to avoid attracting bugs into your home, make sure to keep it clean.

Prioritize the kitchen. Make sure there aren’t any crumbs that could attract bugs. Make sure to clean your countertops and floors regularly.

Otherwise, keep your food in air-tight containers to avoid attracting bugs.

If there’s nothing to snack on, the bugs will look somewhere else for their next meal.

5. Scare Them Off

There are a few at-home solutions you can use to keep bugs at bay.

First, try spraying a mix of water and peppermint essential oil around your vents, doorways, and windows. Peppermint naturally repels mosquitoes, ants, and even mice. Lavender is another natural repellant that can keep bugs away.

You can also spray pyrethrin (from the chrysanthemum flower) on bugs to kill them quickly. If you can’t find pyrethrin, look for Neem oil, which can kill insects as well.

Next, consider using diatomaceous earth around your home. While it isn’t harmful to humans, diatomaceous earth can kill bed bugs, flies, stink bugs, and more by dehydrating them.

If these tips don’t help keep the bugs at bay, it’s time to call a professional.

How to Get Bugs Out of Your Home: Fast and Safe Tips for Living Bug-Free

Start living bug-free! With these tips, you can identify bugs within your home and get rid of them safely. Keep your home free of the creepy crawlies with these easy tips.

Remember, you’re not alone. Consider contacting our team today for a free inspection.

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