What Is the Best Way to Prevent Pest Infestation?

Pests are more than an annoyance. They can also cause serious damage and health risks.

Every year, termites do $5 billion in damage. Cockroaches spread parasitic worms, human pathogens, and 33 types of bacteria. Keeping pests out of your home can save you money and keep your family healthier.

What is the best way to prevent pest infestation?

There’s not a single method that fully protects your home. Doing multiple pest prevention steps is a better approach. Dealing with different vulnerable points strengthens your defense against the creepy, crawly pests you want to keep out of your home.

Keep reading to learn several pest control tips to prevent a pest infestation in your home.

Seal and Repair Your Home

Making it physically difficult for pests to enter your home is an important step in preventing pest infestation. Cracks, gaps, and damaged areas on your home’s exterior make it simple for the pests to get in. Inspect your home’s exterior to find things that need to be repaired.

Common repairs that can help with pests include:

  • Sealing cracks around windows, doors, pipes, and other spots
  • Fixing cracks or loose mortar on the foundation
  • Repairing shingles and siding
  • Replacing weather stripping around doors
  • Installing a chimney cap and screen
  • Fixing torn window and door screens

Those little repairs not only protect your home from additional damage, but they can also make it more difficult for pests to get inside.

Clean Up Your Home’s Exterior

A messy exterior invites pests into your yard. They’ll likely continue inside your home. Keep your yard clean and clear of debris to make it less appealing to pests.

Brush, old tires, pots, and other debris your yard can provide shelter for pests. Pooling water attracts mosquitoes, so look for containers that collect water. Check for poor drainage in your yard or irrigation systems that don’t work properly and cause pooling water.

Clogged gutters create moisture that often attracts pests. The pooling water can also cause damage to the wood in the area, which makes it soft. Rats and squirrels might use that to their advantage by gnawing the soft, rotten wood to get into your home.

Head outdoors to tackle any exterior cleaning tasks you’ve been delaying. Look for things that might attract pests and get rid of them.

If you keep firewood in your yard, store the pile away from your house. Elevating it off the ground can also keep pests out of the wood. If you use the firewood inside in a wood stove of the fireplace, look for bugs first.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

After you clean up the debris in your yard, take another exterior step by trimming trees and shrubs that are near your home. If the branches stretch to your house, they provide a direct path for any pests that are on the tree or shrub. Trim back the vegetation around your home so there’s a gap between them.

Keep Your Home Clean

A dirty interior can also attract pests. Your kitchen is a major draw because of the food and moisture, so keep it clean at all times. Get rid of clutter that could become a breeding or hiding spot for pests.

Vacuuming regularly gets rid of crumbs that might attract pests. It can also suck up small insects that are already in your home.

In addition to regular cleaning, wipe up any food spills immediately. Sweep up crumbs when you notice them to make your home less appealing to bugs.

Keep your trash closed securely in a trash can, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Keep outdoor trash bins away from your home in case they attract pests.

Store Food Securely

Any food you have in your kitchen also attracts pests into your home. Keep packaging closed tightly. Protect your home even more by putting your food in airtight containers if the packaging isn’t sealed well.

Don’t forget about pet food. An open bag of pet food that’s only loosely closed can attract pests. Dump the food into a tightly closing container to keep it fresh and protect it from pests.

Avoid leaving bowls of pet food out all day long. Measure out your pet’s food for each meal. If your pet doesn’t eat it all, put it away until the next meal.

Cut Down on Moisture

Many types of pests are drawn to moisture and humidity inside your home. Running your bathroom vents or opening the window when you shower reduces moisture buildup in those rooms.

Ensure your home has good ventilation throughout, especially in the attic and basement, to make those areas less appealing to pests. Dehumidifiers can help reduce moisture in certain areas if it’s an issue.

Look for leaks in your plumbing that cause drips and pools of water. Leaks can also cause wood and other building materials to remain damp, which also attracts pests.

Look for Signs of Pests

Keep an eye out for early signs of pests to get rid of them before it becomes a full infestation. Eggs, droppings, ammonia smells, nest materials, and greasy marks from rodents are examples. If you spot signs of pests, handle them yourself or call a pest control professional to get rid of them.

Hire a Pest Control Professional

Statistics show that 74% of homeowners try to tackle pests on their own with DIY pest control methods. But you don’t have to do all the work yourself.

Pest control treatment from a professional can help protect your home. Pest control companies have professional-quality options that effectively keeps all types of pests away. Professionals understand the common local pests and how to keep them away properly.

Many pest control companies offer multiple pest control options, not just chemicals. We take an eco-friendly approach to pest control with integrated pest management to help you safely prevent pest infestations.

What Is the Best Way to Prevent Pest Infestation?

So what is the best way to prevent pest infestation? The best approach is taking multiple steps to make your home less desirable to the pests in your area. Physically blocking entrance routes and getting rid of things that attract bugs can help.

Do you want professional help to keep the pests away? Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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