Get Over Itch: Eliminating the Source of Itchy Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals in the world according to the World Health Organization. Why?

Because they are incredibly effective at carrying and spreading serious diseases. Mosquito-borne illnesses include Zika, West Nile virus Malaria Yellow fever Dengue.

In the United States, West Nile Virus is the number one mosquito-transmitted disease. One in 150 infected people become very ill, even fatally. Currently, there is no vaccine. 

Clearly, mosquitos are not just an annoying pest but a serious health concern, even in the US.

So what’s the best way to prevent mosquito bites? Read on to find out.

Get Rid of Standing Water

Mosquitos think that standing water is the ideal breeding ground. But it’s not just swamps and lakes that attack these nasty pests.

Even innocent bodies of water such as buckets, flowerpots, birdbaths, outdoor kid toys, and rain barrels can provide the perfect place for female mosquitos to lay their eggs. 

Plus, even a very small amount of still water can tempt a female to lay her eggs. 

That’s why it is vital that you remove all standing water from your property. If you have dips in your lawn where water pools, fill them with soil and plant grass seeds.

Trim and Tidy Your Yard

Even heavy vegetation that holds in moisture can become a mosquito’s breeding ground.

In fact, recent research found that 60% of mosquito species do not lay eggs on the surface of the water. Instead, they lay eggs near watery areas or leaves that are near water.

Moist soil and yard debris also entice female mosquitos. Keeping your yard well-groomed and tidy will detract these nasty insects. 

Mosquitos also like to congregate in cool, shady areas. If your yard has a lot of bushes and shrubs that are overgrown, mosquitoes will swarm to them. Especially during the day when the sun is out elsewhere.

Keeping your grass short and your bushes trimmed will lessen the shade these plants give off. Bonus, your property will look better, too. 

Plant Mosquito-Deterring Plants 

There are various plants that mosquitos do not like the smell of. Use this to your advantage by adding it to your landscaping. 

Choose from marigolds, lavender, bee balm, basil, rosemary, peppermint, and citronella. You can also plant catnip. However, that may cause some four-legged creatures to flock to your yard. 

Not only will these plants keep the bugs away, but they will also beautify your space. 

Use Outdoor Fans

Did you know that mosquitos are attracted to the carbon dioxide that we release? That is what they “smell” when they come close to you.

Using outdoor fans disperses your carbon dioxide. This makes it harder for mosquitos to sniff you out. 

Whenever you spend time on your patio, bring out an outdoor oscillating fan or have one installed into your covered porch.

Inspect Your Screens

Mosquitos outside in your yard are bad enough. But they are worse when inside your home.

Make sure you check that your window and door screens are in good working condition. There shouldn’t be any tears or holes or gaps along the frame.

If your doors and windows don’t have screens, that is a home improvement project you should tackle as soon as possible. 

Make Use of Traps and Sprays

So far in this article, we’ve covered various soft approaches to mosquito control. But there are even more forceful methods you can use to prevent infected mosquito bites from stressing you out.

You can have pest control experts come to spray your yard. Be sure to choose a company that offers eco-friendly pest control that is safe for your kids and pets.

These organic, non-chemical sprays use natural ingredients that are effective at repelling pests. 

Mosquito traps are another option you could try. Just be sure to change these traps regularly so that they are always effective. 

Use Personal Bug Repellent

On top of controlling your outdoor space and repelling mosquitos, you should also protect yourself from the pain of a mosquito bite swelling by wearing personal bug repellent.

Be sure to choose a bug spray that is EA approved and is safe for humans and pets. If you will be outdoors for hours, don’t forget to re-apply the bug spray periodically.

Avoid spraying bug spray around the eyes or mouth. Pay special attention to spraying the repellant on your ankles, feet, lower legs, and wrists. These thin-skinned areas are where mosquitoes love to bite.

Long-sleeved shirts and pants also offer you an extra layer of protection from mosquito bites. 

If you can, avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk as these are prime times for mosquitos to be out looking for food sources. 

You can also buy spray-on pesticides for use on clothing and shoes. Make sure the label says it’s meant for fabrics and gear. Never apply these products to your skin.

Contact Utah Pest Control Professionals to Avoid Mosquito Bites 

Your backyard should be a haven, not a torture room. Even though it is very nearly impossible to fully get rid of mosquitos from your outdoor space, you can live without an infestation. Reducing the number of nearby mosquitoes greatly reduces your risk of getting mosquito bites. 

If you’ve tried everything and can’t take it anymore, it’s time to call the pest control experts to come to your aid. 

At Pointe Pest Control, we work hard to protect you and your loved ones from all kinds of dangerous pests, including mosquitos. 

To schedule a free consultation, call or contact our Utah pest control professionals online today.

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