Utah’s Best Rat Exterminators

While there are plenty of places on the internet that purport to have effective methods on DIY rat control, the truth is that professionals are professional because they have training and access to occasionally poisonous chemicals required to terminate an infestation. The cost of accessing these chemicals and safety equipment is cheaper for us than it would be for you. In the end, thousands of people each year pour money into DIY methods only to call an exterminator later. In the attempt to save money, they have actually cost themselves more money.

Pointe Pest Control can assure that the job is done safely and efficiently. We will identify the location of nests, eradicate them, and then make sure that your home no longer provides an attractive residence for rats. Give us a call to set up an appointment with our Utah rodent control professionals today.

What’s the Difference Between Rats and Mice?

The terms “rats” and “mice” may be used interchangeably in colloquial usage, but they are actually two different species. There are several different rodents that create problems for homeowners. Additionally, there are different species of rats that tend to infest homes throughout the U.S. Among the most common are the roof rat and Norway rat.

Rats are typically larger than mice and are naturally wary and suspicious creatures. They are creatures of habit. Norway rats are generally known as sewer rats or brown rats. Whenever you see a massive rat, it’s a Norway rat. They can way up to 18 ounces.

Roof rats (rattus rattus) are generally called black rats. They are slightly smaller than Norway rats but can still weigh up to 10 ounces, particularly if they are well fed.

Both mice and rats are omnivores but have slightly different taste in food. Of those, Norway rats are the most carnivorous. Since they are the largest of the bunch, they can eat lizards, reptiles, insects and more. Mice tend to eat only insects and prefer grains and cereals.

Where Do Rats Like to Live?

Rats aren’t overly particular, but their tendency is to nest in places that you can’t reach. That includes crawlspaces and between your walls. Roof rats prefer above-ground nests, so homes offer them a great place to set up shop with warmth and food aplenty. In the wild, they will build nests in shrubs, trees, or wherever there is dense vegetation.

Mice and rats are two species that have adapted very well to civilization. Humans provide food, shelter, and warmth in the cold months. You are not unlikely to find them densely populated urban areas. For this reason, it is imperative that you manage your trash properly and ensure that it is not accessible to rats.

Large plastic bins provide the best protection from rats. They cannot chew through the exterior and they cannot get inside the pins. Dispose of garbage quickly and do not let it pile up.

Rats are Fruitful; They Multiply

By the time they are four months old, female rats are ready to reproduce. They can mate year-round, producing 5 litters per year. Each litter contains between five and eight baby rats per litter. In other words, a mature female rat can produce 40 baby rats per year.

Are Rats Dangerous?

Most rats won’t bite humans unless they feel cornered or threatened. They are still, however, dangerous. Their feces and urine are ripe with several diseases that can easily contaminate your food. You can breathe particles of feces in and contract diseases that way. Contact with urine can also spread diseases. In other words, regardless of how cute you believe rats are, you do not want them multiplying in your home.

How Do I Know There’s an Infestation?

If there’s one rat in your home, chances are, there’s more. In fact, if you see one during the day, you can safely assume there is a major nest somewhere nearby. Rats are nocturnal and will only forgo sleep under duress. That means the population is so large that they’re looking for another source of food or shelter. If you see one during the day, you have a problem.

Most people identify a rat problem either through rat droppings or hearing them in the walls. You may also find chew marks in woodwork.

What Should I Do?

Getting rid of a rat problem will take a bit of time. Depending on whether or not you have Norway rats or roof rats, the top-rated rat exterminators in Utah at Pointe Pest Control will devise a solution that fits you and your family’s needs. This includes solutions that are non-toxic to you and your family. Give us a call or talk to us online to set up an appointment with a local rodent control expert.

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