Which Is More Dangerous: Wasps, Flies, Bees, Mosquito, or Hornets?

Over the spring and summer months in Utah, flying insects can become a major concern. They can nest in trees, along roof lines, under eaves, and in other isolated places around your home. Their presence easily ruins picnics or other outdoor events, and for good reason. Flying insects carry the threat of serious diseases and illnesses, while their bite is painful and can cause allergic reactions. At Pointe Pest Control, our Utah pest control professionals can help you eliminate these types of nuisances. Wasps, flies, bees, mosquitoes, and hornets are the most common types of flying pests in our area and the following outlines the dangers posed by each.

Bees vs. Wasps

People tend to be instinctively afraid of bees and wasps, without really being able to tell the difference between them. Bees stand out from other flying insects due to their body shape, their constant buzzing noise, and their furry appearance. However, despite their reputation, bees tend to be docile by nature and are only likely to sting when they are threatened. One reason for this is likely the fact that for a bee, stinging a human is a suicide mission. While they can easily sting other bugs, their barb gets stuck in human skin. When they attempt to fly away after, their stinger remains in the victim, killing the bee.

Unlike bees, wasps have smooth bodies, tend to be bigger, and are more aggressive. They also have the ability to sting victims multiple times. Both wasp and bee stings can cause considerable pain and discomfort. They can also cause serious reactions, particularly if you are allergic or stumble on a nest and get stung multiple times. According to the Mayo Clinic, even if you were stung once by a bee or wasp with no allergic reaction, you could still suffer serious side effects if you get stung again in the future. These side effects include:

  • Pain, swelling, and redness at the site of the sting;
  • Swelling of the throat or tongue;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Fainting and dizziness;
  • Difficulty breathing.

Bees vs. Hornets

Similar to wasps, hornets are smooth flying insects and are more aggressive than traditional bees. Hornets can prove beneficial in that they eat other insects, but any benefits these pests might offer around your home are far outweighed by the risks.

Hornets can often be found early in the season building their nests in trees, bushes, and under roof eaves around your property. Do not attempt to deal with these pests on your own. To avoid being stung and suffering a potentially life threatening reaction, call in our Utah pest professionals.

Wasps vs. Hornets

Utah State University (USU) advises that both of these pests fit into the category of social wasps, which also includes the dreaded yellowjacket. All make nests out of wood and saliva, feed on other insects, and tend to be far more aggressive than bees. Hornets and yellowjackets are particularly aggressive during daylight hours, when they are out in search of food.

These insects are all attracted to fruits and sugary drinks, which can cause them to approach humans during picnics and other outdoor affairs. Their nests can vary in size, with some becoming as big as basketballs. They can lie dormant over winter only to be populated again in the spring and should always be approached with extreme caution.

Flies vs. Mosquitoes

Flies and mosquitoes are a major nuisance in Utah but they do not often elicit the strong reactions people have to bees, wasps, and hornets. However, these creatures should not be underestimated, as they pose some of the biggest and most dangerous health risks.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that flies feed on garbage and human or animal waste. As a result, they can carry more than 65 different types of serious diseases, including typhoid fever, dysentery, malaria, and tuberculosis. Mosquitos are also considered highly dangerous and can transmit several types of potentially fatal viruses. This includes the West Nile virus, which can cause meningitis and infections of the nervous system, and the Zika virus, which infects pregnant women and can result in serious birth defects or deformities in their unborn children.

Get Help From Our Utah Pest Control Professionals

When dealing with common types of flying insects found around homes in our area, do not underestimate the dangers. Call in our Utah pest control professionals to safely eliminate the problem. To request a free consultation, contact Pointe Pest Control today. 

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