DIY Pest Control? Top Reasons Pest Control Is Best Left to the Experts

Household insecticides make up a $12 billion global industry. The United States, in turn, is the largest consumer and producer of such products.

While convenient, these ready-to-use pesticides may not be as beneficial as you think. On the contrary, their improper use can pose health hazards. Experts even link their misuse and overuse to food shortages.

So, before you spend a lot on DIY pest control methods, it’s best to know why it might not be a good idea in the first place. We’ll share some of the essential facts you need to know about this topic below, so be sure to keep reading.

Incorrect Pesticide Use Gives Rise to Resistance

In human beings, pathogens like bacteria and fungi can develop medication resistance. In many cases, this results from the improper use and overuse of antibacterial drugs.

Unfortunately, a similar process occurs in pests; they develop resistance against pesticides. The common bed bug, the German cockroach, and the house fly are some examples. Researchers also say that the dengue virus-carrying mosquito now also exhibits pesticide resistance.

In total, 500 to 1,000 insect species worldwide have developed pesticide resistance. As if that’s not bad enough, many of these are pests that pass down resistant traits to their offspring. As a result, their populations have become much harder to eradicate.

As such, DIY pest control tactics, such as using commercial pesticides, may no longer work. Moreover, the continued use of such chemicals may make the pests even more resistant.

Improper Insecticide Use Can Be Dangerous

The chemicals that make insecticides fatal to insects can be poisonous to people. In humans, exposure to these chemicals can cause problems with the eyes, ears, nose, lungs, and skin. Children are particularly at risk of more severe complications.

Those consequences often occur because of the improper use of insecticides. An example is spraying pesticides indoors and then staying in the same enclosed area. The more of the chemicals used, the greater the risks to people and pets.

Now, please keep in mind that many pesticides are almost odorless. That doesn’t mean they’re entirely harmless to you or your pets, though.

So, to keep everyone at home safe, avoid relying solely on store-bought insecticides. Instead, consider hiring a pest control company offering innovative and organic pest solutions.

DIY Pest Control May Cost More in the Long Run

One of the clear advantages of DIY pest control is its initial low cost. After all, a can of multi-insect killing sprays may only cost five bucks or even less.

The thing is, such products often only deal with the insects they come into contact with. For example, they only kill the individual adult bugs that you spray and not their eggs. So, the eggs that they may have already laid can hatch somewhere and, from there, mature and reproduce.

When that happens, the cycle repeats, and you end up still having bugs flying and skittering. As a result, you may find yourself buying a few cans of the insect spray again. This loop may continue over and over, and each time it does, you lose (and waste) money.

Rodenticides may not be a good choice, either, even if they can kill mice and rats. That’s because it takes time for these pesticides to work, which means the pests may die in a place you can’t access. If this happens, your house is most likely going to stink because of dead mice or rats.

Also, don’t forget the possibility of the pests developing resistance against these chemicals. So, even if you keep spritzing, the insecticide may no longer be as effective as it did before. That’s a huge waste of money, not to mention a risk to your health and that of your loved ones’.

Successful Pest Control Requires More than Chemicals

Effective pest control aims to get rid of existing pests and keep future infestations at bay. However, unless you deal with the entire pest population in your home, they’ll keep coming back. Thus, you need to eliminate the adults and their eggs, babies, and juveniles.

To do that, though, you need more than pesticides; you need integrated pest management (IPM). With IPM, using chemicals is usually the last step. Instead, it first utilizes non-chemical methods, such as cultural and mechanical controls.

Cultural Control

An example of cultural control is the clean-up of a rodent-infested house. Rodents, such as mice and rats, prefer cluttered homes, as the clutter gives them more spots to hide. Moreover, the more stuff found in a home, the more things they can use to trim their front teeth down.

Proper lawn care is a good control method for garden pests that may enter your home, too. Mowing your lawn, for instance, reduces hiding spots for fleas and ticks. Trimming trees can also prevent rodents from jumping to your roof and entering your home.

Another example of cultural control is the sanitation of outdoor spaces. For example, if you have a lot of untreated wood in your yard, they can attract wood borers and termites. Water can also collect in objects left outside, giving backyard mosquitoes a haven.

Physical Control

Physical control methods can be non-chemical pest repellents like baits, lures, and traps. They can also be in the form of window screens to keep smaller pests out. Sealing cracks and holes in exterior walls can also prevent critters from entering.

Even something as simple as grooming pets frequently can help reduce fleas and ticks.

Go Pro When You Need Help With Pest Control

As you can see, there are far too many risks that can arise from DIY pest control. The possibility alone that it can harm you, your loved ones, and your pets should be enough reason not to do it. At the very least, they’re not always effective, making them a waste of money.

So, instead of “giving it a go,” enlist the help of a professional pest control company.

If you’re in Utah or Colorado, our team of experts here at Pointe Pest Control can assist. Call us now, and we’ll be happy to answer any pest control inquiries you have!

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