
Professional Pest Control: 9 Things You Should Look for Before Hiring

Did you know that pests like rats and mice eat and contaminate at least 20% of food every year? Even worse, they carry around over 35 diseases that spread to humans either directly through urine, feces, and saliva, or indirectly through ticks, mites, and contaminated food. That’s not all though, because pests can be annoying, and infuriating once they invade a home. Now, when most people find out they have a pest infestation in their home, their first line of thought is to try any DIY extermination method they encounter. The thing is, most DIY pest control methods rarely work, and eventually, they need to call in a professional pest control company. What to Consider When Hiring a Pest Control Company If you’re dealing with a pest infestation and feel that a professional is best suited for the job, the task at hand is to locate the best pest exterminator

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7 Mouse Control Tips to Help You Tackle Potential Rodent Infestations

We suffer a lot of things in America these days. But a paucity of pests isn’t one of them. All across the country, there are rodents, flies, ants, wasps, bed bugs, and termites galore. And that’s just a few of the pesky pests that can make home-life a misery! It’s (almost) no surprise, then, that 84% of homeowners suffer a pest problem of one sort or another every year. Of all the pests out there, though, mice are some of the most common- and problematic. Know the struggle? Well, having a selection of mouse control tips up your sleeve should make a significant difference. With the right approach, you can tackle any mouse infestation that occurs or, better still, stops it occurring in the first place! That means no more contaminated food stores, piles of dirty droppings, or squeaks in the middle of the night! Sound good? Read on for

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8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore House Termites

Did you know that there are 2,300 species of termites that belong to seven different families? Of these, 44 different termite species occur in the US. Yes, termites play a vital role in the natural life cycle, as they help to decompose dead plant matter. This, in turn, allows the ecosystem to recover nutrients that it has lost. Unfortunately, house termites invade and damage up to 600,000+ homes in the US each year. Homes that have hardwood in them, such as spruce and pine, appear to be the preferred meal of these insects. So, as beneficial as they are, termites should stay out in nature and not in your home. The big question is, why exactly should you drive these six-legged insects out of your home? We’ve rounded up some of the top reasons why, so be sure to stick around and read on! 1. A Colony Can Consist of Millions of House Termites

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11 Common Household Bugs

Do you see ants circling your goodie jars in the pantry? Do you see flies hovering above your dining table? Or do you see roaches crawling at night only to run away from you before you can squish them? Then it is likely that you have a pest infestation in your home. Studies reveal that invasive insects cause homes and businesses to lose around $70 billion annually.  Hence, stopping these common household bugs is paramount. But the first step is to identify these household pests. Continue reading below as we discuss 11 of the common house insects that may terrorize your home. 1. Ants If you want to talk about the most common insects you can find at home, ants will likely be on top of your mind. Surveys confirm that ants are the most concerning pests among homeowners and renters in the United States.  One important thing to note

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What Is the Best Way to Prevent Pest Infestation?

Pests are more than an annoyance. They can also cause serious damage and health risks. Every year, termites do $5 billion in damage. Cockroaches spread parasitic worms, human pathogens, and 33 types of bacteria. Keeping pests out of your home can save you money and keep your family healthier. What is the best way to prevent pest infestation? There’s not a single method that fully protects your home. Doing multiple pest prevention steps is a better approach. Dealing with different vulnerable points strengthens your defense against the creepy, crawly pests you want to keep out of your home. Keep reading to learn several pest control tips to prevent a pest infestation in your home. Seal and Repair Your Home Making it physically difficult for pests to enter your home is an important step in preventing pest infestation. Cracks, gaps, and damaged areas on your home’s exterior make it simple for

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7 Homemade Bug Traps That Catch Unwanted Pests

Bugs are gross. They’re creeping, crawling little critters that create nothing but trouble- especially when they end up inside your home. They make everything dirty, smelly, and unsanitary. Sometimes they even eat your home from the inside out (we’re looking at you, termites!). Alas, these sorts of pest problems are all too common. Up to 84% of homeowners in America get infested by pests each year. You can be your bottom dollar that a whole lot of them are insect-related. Know the struggle? Well, there’s good news. Building yourself a homemade bug trap can make a mighty difference in terms of keeping the bugs at bay. The trickier part is finding a design that actually works. Want to learn about the best outdoor and indoor bug traps? Let us help! Keep reading to discover 7 effective DIY bug trap designs to try right now! 1. Stink Bug Bottle Traps Stink bugs

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