411 on Wasp Nests

Nothing ruins a picnic or other outdoor activities quicker than the appearance of wasps. These pests are common throughout Utah and can keep you from enjoying your porch, yard or other areas around your home throughout the summer months. In addition to the annoying sound of their buzzing, a wasp sting can put your health […]

Solve Your Pest Problem

We know that there’s a lot of people out there who are real do-it-yourselfers. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, the best pest control is preventative pest control. That being said, major infestations are best handled by pest experts. If you do elect to handle the problem yourself, there are a number of […]

Will Termite Treatments Kill Ants Too?

Termites and ants are two of the biggest problems homeowners face in Utah. Depending on the type of ant, an infestation of either can cause extensive damage to your home and to outside structures. Without professional help, both can go undetected and may escalate to the point of making your home uninhabitable. There are similarities […]

Which Is More Dangerous: Wasps, Flies, Bees, Mosquito, or Hornets?

Over the spring and summer months in Utah, flying insects can become a major concern. They can nest in trees, along roof lines, under eaves, and in other isolated places around your home. Their presence easily ruins picnics or other outdoor events, and for good reason. Flying insects carry the threat of serious diseases and […]

Ticks in Your Area

The change in seasons and an increase in warmer weather means that many of us will be spending more time outdoors. Vacations, hiking trips, and outdoor activities such as picnics, community events, or weddings all provide opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of the Utah area. However, there are risks you need to be aware […]

The Destructive Termites In Utah

The thought of a termite infestation is every property owner’s worst nightmare – and for good reason. Termites can form large colonies and without the proper training, tools, and experience, they can be difficult to uncover and eradicate. Unfortunately, the longer you wait in dealing with a potential termite issue, the more damage they are […]

Pests to Prepare Your Home for this Spring

Each spring, pests come out of the woodwork (sometimes literally) and invade homes all across the northern and western parts of the U.S. Depending on how you look at it, these states are lucky in this regard. At least we only have to deal with pests during the summer. On the other hand, we can […]

Top Dangerous Spiders in Utah

Some people think that spiders are good because they hunt and catch other common household vermin. Others are irrationally (or rightfully) terrified of spiders. While spiders can be dangerous, deaths caused by spiders are rare and they’re more of a nuisance than anything. If you’re seeing a lot of spiders around your house, there could […]

Rodents Found in Utah

Utah is simply bursting with wonderful wildlife. That wildlife is made all the more wonderful for the fact that it stays out of your home and the area surrounding it. Rats and mice in particular can be quite difficult to deal with and cause a number of sanitary problems that you’d rather not subject yourself […]

Utah’s Best Rat Exterminators

While there are plenty of places on the internet that purport to have effective methods on DIY rat control, the truth is that professionals are professional because they have training and access to occasionally poisonous chemicals required to terminate an infestation. The cost of accessing these chemicals and safety equipment is cheaper for us than […]