Identifying and Eliminating Hobo Spiders this Fall

Whether you enjoy the color change in the leaves, the reduced temperature, or the calm before the holidays, fall is a beautiful time of the year. Unfortunately, the fall season also means that there are a lot of critters that want to find their way into your home. Hobo spiders in Utah aren’t specifically looking […]

Avoiding Spiders This Fall

  Did you know that the top Halloween kid costume trends for 2018 are princesses and superheroes? For you moms and dads dressing up, the top costumes are witches and vampires. Now, whether you want to follow the trend, or break from it is up to you, but there will be something far scarier this […]

Say Goodbye to Box Elder Bugs This Fall

Box elder bugs are one of the most annoying pests homeowners encounter every fall. You might not notice them so much during the spring and summer because during this time, they are feeding on plants, seeds and trees. They lay their eggs on box elder trees during these months but they also feed on maple […]

Your Backyard Ant Battle for the BBQ

You have gone to a lot of work to prepare for your backyard barbeque. You’ve sent out invitations, purchased the food, prepared your lawn to look its best, and maybe even planted a few new flowers. Amid all of your preparations, did you ever think about your ongoing battle with ants? Whether you have set […]

2018 Scholarship Winners

After looking through many fantastic scholarship applications received in our office this school year, we have narrowed down the applicants and chosen our $500 scholarship winners. It was exciting to see the creativity put into the ‘rolling on floor laughing’ scholarship this year by all of the students. We look forward to giving back to […]

Prime Real Estate for Wasps

Most homeowners have had a run in with wasps. Have you ever wondered how these stinger wielding creatures decide where to build their nests? Here at Pointe Pest Control, we want you to have the information you need to make good decisions when it comes to wasp elimination. Wasps become even more of a threat […]

Centipedes – Flat Arthropod

Centipedes love to hide in the cracks and crevices of damp dark areas and sometimes that means areas in your home. Those long legged critters like to linger, watch the video below to learn more.

Destructive Carpenter Ants

Termites seem to take a lot of heat when it comes to destruction to wood around your home. What about if you knew there was another pest that could actually be causing destruction that you aren’t aware of? Carpenter ants have a lot of similar traits of a termite, yet take a lot less heat […]

A Mouse in your House is not your Friend

It is perfectly fine to see critters from nature while streaming your favorite shows. It is not perfectly fine to find a mouse eating your favorite breakfast cereal. When the critters from nature invade your home, you are in for a battle. A mouse might look cute and fluffy, but it definitely is not. Mice […]

5 Benefits of Using Professional Pest Control

A complaint among mothers for centuries is that the housework is never done. You just finish the dishes or the laundry and before you can blink again, there is another load to do. It feels endless. Sad as it may be, this is the same with pest control. You cannot just treat for pests once […]