Earwig Control Cache Valley, UT

Regardless of how fearsome an earwig looks, this little fellow really can’t hurt you. Sure, they’ll use those forceps they have. They’re called “caudal forceps” or cerci, (pinchers) for short, and they’re used for grasping food, defense, probing crevices, and folding and unfolding their wings. Earwigs might be an inch or longer, the larger ones […]

Cockroach Control Cache Valley, UT

Cockroaches are among the most common insect pests in homes, schools, and businesses. They like to eat many of the same foods we do and are especially troublesome wherever food is prepared or served. They also may transfer disease-causing organisms. Fortunately, cockroaches can be controlled with a little knowledge about their biology and behavior, attention […]

Wasp and Bee Control Cache Valley, UT

Bees and wasps are often beneficial to the environment. However, problems arise when they choose to build their nests too close to humans. Notorious for their propensity to sting when disturbed, some species can be quite aggressive. In cases like this, they should be removed. If you find a nest on your property, removing it […]

Rodent Control Cache Valley, UT

Rodents have been known to damage buildings, contaminate food and transmit diseases to people. The rodent family includes: rats, mice, gophers, voles, beavers and more. They’re also adaptable, capable of learning by trial and error. As a result, people who need to control them have always struggled to “build a better mouse-trap.” Rodent populations grow quickly […]

Spider Control in Cache Valley, UT

Despite the fact that spiders are beneficial to keeping many insects and pests at bay, home spider control may be necessary for a number of reasons. First, it will help you avoid webs from appearing in and around your home. Spider control will also help protect your family from spiders whose bites can be dangerous, such […]