Common Utah Pests and How to Prevent Them

Insects have been around for nearly 350 million years, while humans have been around for only 300,000 years.  While we may not have been around for as long as bugs have, we certainly don’t want them in our homes. Nothing brings a shiver down your spine quicker than realizing you have a pest infestation problem […]

4 Signs You Should Call Pest Control For an Ant Infestation

There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with being a homeowner. Yes, you get the benefits of owning a place and really calling something home. But that comes with a lot of work and a lot of obstacles you need to maneuver around. One threat to your home will be of the minuscule variety. Don’t […]

Pet-Friendly Pest Control: What Are Your Best Options?

Believe it or not, there are precautions you can take for pet-friendly pest control. Your pet is an essential part of your home and it’s important to keep them safe, no matter what you’re putting into it. So, what can you do? Are pest control companies even an option? Are there other approaches you can […]

Common Signs of Termite Damage and What to Do About It

Termites cause billions of dollars in damage every year in the United States. If you live in an area that is prone to termite infestations, then you need to stay vigilant. If you end up having a termite problem and you don’t stop it quickly enough, then you could end up with some costly structural […]

Pest Control: The Dos and Dont’s of Birds Nest Removal

Are you tired of dealing with birds creating a nest in an unfortunate spot around your home? Do you have a bird’s nest around your doors, sheds, attics, or garages? If so, then you need to learn the dos and don’ts of bird nest removal. As you might imagine, there’s a right way and a […]

Squirrel Damage Control

  There are few creatures as stubborn and adaptable as the common squirrel. Found everywhere from the countryside to our downtown shopping centers, these rodents are great at finding creative ways to get the food and shelter they need in a pinch. While these traits may seem admirable, especially when you consider how cute these […]

7 Signs You Should Call Pest Control Immediately

Do you need to call pest control? It can be difficult to know when to make the call, but there are signs that let you know it’s time. No matter how well you clean or maintain your home, you’ll likely face a pest infestation at some point. While some are relatively minor and easy to […]

The Benefits of Hiring Professional Weed Control Services

Are you tired of seeing weeds sprout up around your yard after treatment? It might feel like you kill one weed, then ten more take its place. If so, then you need to consider hiring professional weed control services. Doing so can help you in a variety of ways. It can give you long-lasting results […]

Rats vs Mice: How to Spot the Difference

Diseases can be spread to humans from mice and rats through direct contact, through bites, or through contact with rodent urine, feces, or saliva. Around the world, these rodents spread more than 35 diseases. If you’ve noticed evidence that you might have a rodent infestation, you are probably quite disturbed. Not only is it unsettling […]

The Major Signs of a Spider Infestation in the Home

Did you know that around 3,000 species of spiders are found in North America? Even if you’re not an arachnophobe, this number is enough to make most people feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, the majority of spiders aren’t dangerous at all. However, they (and their webs) can still be unsightly. Are you wondering if you have a […]