10 Best Pest Control Products

Roaches, rats, bedbugs, mosquitos…these pests are a few of the many that plague homeowners both in Utah and throughout the United States. Bugs, animals, and other creatures can infiltrate your house, carrying disease and destroying property. When an infestation of any kind happens in your home, you should get in touch with a professional exterminator, who will be […]

5 Easy Pest Control Methods

Did you know that termites can cause more than $5 billion in property damage every year in the US? Most of this damage is done by subterranean termites that eat 24/7 and insurance companies don’t usually cover this type of damage. If you own a house, these facts probably worry you. However, there are many […]

The Best Rodent Pest Control Company

Many companies promise to get rid of pesky rodents in Logan, but who can you count on to get the job done? Typically, people will try to deal with a pest infestation using a DIY solution. Usually, however, these solutions prove ineffective for severe infestations. Sometimes, a pest infestation gets so bad that you need […]

How to Find the Best Local Pest Control Companies

Are you searching for local pest control companies, but feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your options? Don’t panic. Nearly every homeowner has had a run-in with a pest of some sort, and local pest control technicians are waiting to help. Be sure to read through these tips and tricks to learn how to find the […]

Can a Homemade Stink Bug Trap Really Help?

Although a single stink bug may only reproduce in the warm season, a female stink bug will lay anywhere from 20 to 150 eggs per reproduction cycle. These bugs can live up to eight months, which means that several of them will live long enough to lay even more eggs next summer. If you have […]

7 Homemade Bug Traps That Catch Unwanted Pests

Bugs are gross. They’re creeping, crawling little critters that create nothing but trouble- especially when they end up inside your home. They make everything dirty, smelly, and unsanitary. Sometimes they even eat your home from the inside out (we’re looking at you, termites!). Alas, these sorts of pest problems are all too common. Up to […]

What Is the Best Way to Prevent Pest Infestation?

Pests are more than an annoyance. They can also cause serious damage and health risks. Every year, termites do $5 billion in damage. Cockroaches spread parasitic worms, human pathogens, and 33 types of bacteria. Keeping pests out of your home can save you money and keep your family healthier. What is the best way to […]

11 Common Household Bugs

Do you see ants circling your goodie jars in the pantry? Do you see flies hovering above your dining table? Or do you see roaches crawling at night only to run away from you before you can squish them? Then it is likely that you have a pest infestation in your home. Studies reveal that […]

8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore House Termites

Did you know that there are 2,300 species of termites that belong to seven different families? Of these, 44 different termite species occur in the US. Yes, termites play a vital role in the natural life cycle, as they help to decompose dead plant matter. This, in turn, allows the ecosystem to recover nutrients that it has lost. […]

7 Mouse Control Tips to Help You Tackle Potential Rodent Infestations

We suffer a lot of things in America these days. But a paucity of pests isn’t one of them. All across the country, there are rodents, flies, ants, wasps, bed bugs, and termites galore. And that’s just a few of the pesky pests that can make home-life a misery! It’s (almost) no surprise, then, that […]