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Females are parthenogenetic, laying eggs without fertilization by a male. Approximately 70 eggs are deposited in the fall in protected locations on building foundations and under the bark of trees. The eggs do not hatch unless the temp is between 40 and 70 F. In the spring, they hatch into the six-legged larval stage which then molts into the protonymph followed by the deutonymph. Developmental time (egg to adult) takes from one to seven months depending on environmental conditions.



Females are parthenogenetic, laying eggs without fertilization by a male. Approximately 70 eggs are deposited in the fall in protected locations on building foundations and under the bark of trees. The eggs do not hatch unless the temp is between 40 and 70 F. In the spring, they hatch into the six-legged larval stage which then molts into the protonymph followed by the deutonymph. Developmental time (egg to adult) takes from one to seven months depending on environmental conditions.



Clover Mites are plant feeders that have been found infesting more than 200 different plants. They can overwinter as adults, or eggs. They build up very large populations around structures surrounded with lush, well-fertilized lawns and shrubbery. They often move into buildings in tremendous numbers in the autumn when vegetation begins to die. In the spring, large numbers indoors usually is the result of recent mulching and the onset of higher temperatures. If crushed, they leave a red stain on walls, floors, or furnishings.